Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Google fall out of 20 Most Trusted Companies list, Facebook creeps in.

In 2007, Google featured in the top 10. In 2008, it doesn't make the top 20. As seen on Andy Beal who includes a top 10 comparison with 2007. Truste reckons that influential factors this year were:
  • Importance of privacy continues to rise.
  • Consumers feel they are losing control of personal information.
  • Identity theft is top of mind.
This is a US survey, not global.

2008 Ranking
1 American Express (remained number one)
2 eBay (+6)
3 IBM (no change)
4 Amazon (+1)
5 Johnson & Johnson (+1)
6 Hewlett Packard (+10)
6 U.S. Postal Service (+1)
7 Procter & Gamble (+2)
8 Apple (new to the top 20)
9 Nationwide (remained the same)
10 Charles Schwab (-8)
11 USAA (+4)
12 Intuit (+7)
13 WebMD (-1)
14 Yahoo! (new to the top 20)
15 Facebook (new to the top 20)
16 Disney (-1)
16 AOL (-12)
17 Verizon (new to the top 20)
18 FedEx (new to the top 20)
19 US Bank (-2)
20 Dell (-7)
20 eLoan (-9)

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